Monday, November 24, 2014

Positivity Set Back - Groupon

My short term goal of posting more often has definitely not been met.  There is a valid reason for it, though - and it’s not just laziness or forgetfulness!  Between Groupon, my assistant manager being out of town and being sick, the past couple of weeks have really not been a positive time for me, and I have done a pretty bad job of trying to turn it around.  

The start of Groupon was rough.  As I promised myself in my last post, I went into Groupon with positive, hopeful feelings.  It lasted two days.  It took two days to start to get the mean & rude people, but man, they came out in droves that first weekend!  People who yelled at us, called us incompetent, told us we were terrible at our jobs.  People who were so incredibly inconvenienced or upset by the rules of the Groupon that they didn’t read, which was OBVIOUSLY our fault.  The first weekend we almost had to call the police on one couple because they were verbally harassing an employee.
My resolve to keep positive, to try to be more understanding with people, and to not let the frustrations of work follow me home just crumbled.  My unhappiness at work followed me into my personal life, and made me less patient and forgiving of all the random people who caused me any frustration, irritation or annoyance.  

My assistant manager went home to visit family for 10 days, and it just happened to coincide with the second week of Groupon.  She had put her request in before we had any information about the Groupon, but it was really rough.  I had to pick up extra shifts, including closing FOH which is especially rough when my shifts generally start at 6am.  During that week I got sick, so I had just no energy to deal with anything.  

I will say that there was one particularly bright spot in that darkness.  I had one gentleman come in on a Friday and introduce himself with a handshake.  He said his daughter was having a birthday party and he wanted to get cupcakes.  He had two Groupons.  Just as I started to say that we could only do one per person per day (as is written on the Groupon) he cuts me off, saying he actually read the instructions!  It may not sound like a big deal, but at least 40% of people do not read them, and it leads to unhappiness.  He became the best Groupie we’ve had by asking if he could grab someone off the street to help him out.  I said absolutely. He then astutely asked that we must get a lot of angry people in here based on my cautious tone of voice.  We chatted for a bit about our families before a woman came into the shop.  He asked the woman to help him out, and for her troubles he bought her two cupcakes.  He then tipped us $10 and very sincerely wished us a good day.

In my worst dark moments with Groupon, I’ll hold on to that man – and the further proof how much a positive, personable encounter can brighten someone’s day up.  Now I just have to implement that in my life.