We go to the bank at work several times a week to deposit cash from the sales and to get change for the register. (Just a quick aside: we never have much money in the shop, so if you're planning on robbing us, you may want to find someplace more worth your time and effort. Thanks!) My FOH/Service Manager normally does these transactions, but when she's out of town or off on days they need to be done, I take over.
Donnelle generally goes at the start of her shift since she usually works the PM shifts. Since I mostly work AM shifts, I ordinary go at the end of my shift. She goes perky, bright and fresh. I go exhausted, and often, going to the bank is like a break from work. I'm usually quiet - even though I'm always polite and friendly. The tellers apparently remarked to Donnelle once that I was "very serious". There's nothing wrong with that, but I figured it would be better to be more personable and try to get to know them as people - not just use it as my place for a quiet breath.
Monday I went to do some deposits, and I tried really hard to chit chat and make conversation. The thing that I must have forgotten when I resolved to do better talking to people is that I'm awkward as hell. I am terrible at making chit chat. If I'm not behind the counter, bar or apron of work, there is this switch that must get turned off. I don't know if I'm as awkward outwardly as I feel, but I certainly hope not.
I bought a book on the art of conversation a couple years ago. I should probably read that before I attempt connecting with the bank tellers again. Sigh. At least I tried?
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